PERS will stop your disability payments if:
PERS will re-establish your Tier One or Tier Two member account to show the same balance that was there when your disability first became effective (your effective date for disability retirement).
You do not receive creditable service Any period of time in which a participating public employer pays an active member a salary and the active member or the employer on the member's behalf pays contributions to PERS. For purposes of computing years of creditable service, full months and major fractions of a month are considered to be one-twelfth of a year and are added to all full years. One month of creditable service is earned for each major fraction of a month served. Creditable service includes all retirement credit received by a member. while receiving disability benefits. However, if you return to work with a PERS-participating employer
An employer who participates in the Oregon Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)., you can restore your service time.