You can restore service credit forfeited as the result of a previous withdrawal of your Tier One/Tier Two member account if you have at least 10 years of Tier One/Tier Two creditable service Any period of time in which a participating public employer pays an active member a salary and the active member or the employer on the member's behalf pays contributions to PERS. For purposes of computing years of creditable service, full months and major fractions of a month are considered to be one-twelfth of a year and are added to all full years. One month of creditable service is earned for each major fraction of a month served. Creditable service includes all retirement credit received by a member. in the System
The Public Employees Retirement System that includes the PERS Chapter 238 Program and the OPSRP IAP. since your re-employment. Service credit under a Loss-of-Membership account is not eligible for purchase. For every three months of service worked after re-employment in a covered position, you can restore one month of forfeited
service. You must purchase the service credit during the 90-day period before your effective date of retirement. The Purchase Letter you receive with your estimate must accompany payment.
To take advantage of this provision, you cannot elect a lump-sum retirement option, and you must purchase the forfeited service credit with one payment.
Note: If you withdrew your Tier One/Tier Two member account and you received 150 percent of your member account balance, you may not restore the service credit forfeited by that withdrawal.