You can purchase credit for a seasonal position An apprenticeship, internship, or entry-level position with a PERS-covered employer that a person worked before the employer hired that person into a technical or professional position. if you previously worked less than six months in a full-time seasonal position for a PERS-covered employer
An employer who participates in the PERS Chapter 238 Program and whose eligible employees are entitled to Tier One or Tier Two benefits are retirement. before becoming a member and you have 10 or more years of creditable service
Any period of time in which a participating public employer pays an active member a salary and the active member or the employer on the member's behalf pays contributions to PERS. For purposes of computing years of creditable service, full months and major fractions of a month are considered to be one-twelfth of a year and are added to all full years. One month of creditable service is earned for each major fraction of a month served. Creditable service includes all retirement credit received by a member. in the system at the time of the purchase. You can only purchase this credit during the 90-day period before your effective date of retirement
The first day of the month following the last day a member (1) worked, was on vacation, or was paid sick leave, or (2) the first of the month a member files his or her application for benefits, whichever is later..
Contact Customer Service if you are interested in this credit and believe you qualify.