This tool estimates your Individual Account Program (IAP) retirement options, based on the IAP balance you enter.
Retirement options are monthly, quarterly, or annual payments over a 5-, 10-, 15- or 20-year period, as well as a one-time total lump-sum disbursement. This tool does not calculate the Anticipated Life Span Option.
The tool adds employee contributions and earnings up to the end of the Last Work Year you select. (Notice: This tool estimates a 6% salary contribution to the IAP for all employees and does not factor in Senate Bill 1049 (2019) contribution changes.)
Investment earnings continue to be added up to the end of the Retirement Year you select.
The disbursement amounts and available options generated reflect the Annual Earnings Rate you enter. Your actual payment amounts will vary from installment to installment, depending on the actual earnings rates applied to your account in the future. The tool may modify the Effective Retirement Year so it is not earlier than the Last Work Year.
PERS is not bound by figures produced by this program. No representations or guarantees are made on the accuracy of the calculation or projections. Your IAP account is subject to earnings or losses based on the performance of your IAP Target-Date Fund.